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Non-Rewritable White Magnetic Tape - 50mm x 0.6mm | 60m ROLL
Code: 59090X
Pull Force: NF06 pull force for 0.6mm thick ≥31g/cm2
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Alnico Disc Magnet with Channel – 9.7mm (D) x 5.88mm (H) | 3.99mm Channel I Diametrically-Magnetised
Code: 90003F
Pull Force: N/A
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Smiley Face Fridge Magnets – Pack of 5 | 2" Diameter
Code: SM3080
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Threaded Hook Neodymium Pot Magnet with Rubber Case - 66mm (D) x 8mm (BH)
Code: RCND66E
Pull Force: 18kg
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