Great Magnets
Great magnets & good service
Product code: 20002A
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This rare earth disc has a diameter of 30mm and a height of 5mm. It has a magnetic flux reading of 1992 Gauss and a pull force of 10.7kilos. It is identified by the AMF magnet part number 20002A.
Have you ever wondered who places and services the vending machines you see in workplaces? No – neither have I. It’s just as likely however, it’s one of the services offered by companies delivering a wide range of products and services to workplaces near and far. The types of products and the skills required to install and maintain them are as particular as the workplaces they are supplying. Modern workplaces can vary greatly from workplaces of the past, and can be very particular indeed.
From offshore oil and gas platforms to delivering pumps and hose fittings and technicians to install them on remote cattle stations, these companies deliver, big time. They safeguard their reputations for fast competitive service with a near obsession on customer satisfaction. The sustainability of their complex operations and the livelihoods of their sometimes large number of employees depend on delivering solutions to customer’s issues.
Neodymium-disc-30mm-x-5mm magnets travel many of these delivery miles too, but there not just along for the ride. Pulling their weight many times over, magnets help keep these often large complex companies delivering thousands of different products to thousands of different workplaces all over the world.
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NB: Ranges are indicative for product category, please check individual products for specic values within that range.
The most common coating for Neodymium magnets is Nickel + Copper + Nickel (Ni + Cu + Ni). This coating offers the magnet relatively good protection from corrosion and passive applications. If the magnet will be exposed to moisture or liquid then consider the use of an organic coating such as Epoxy. A hard wearing coating, Epoxy is suited to applications where the magnet will come under some friction or knocking.
Magnets are readily available in Blocks, Discs, Cylinders & Rings. AMF Magnetics specializes in the supply of short-run prototype magnets including Arc Segments, various magnetic orientations etc. If you need a magnet size that we don't carry in stock, submit a Design-a-Magnet enquiry for a quote on your custom magnet design.
Neodymium magnets are offered in several different grades. The first section N30-54 has an operating temperature of up to 80 degrees. Most of our stock only goes up to N38. The second section, denoted with the "M" prefix after the grade has an operating temperature 100 degrees. After this the grades are "H", "SH", "UH" & "EH". In order for the magnet to withstand a higher operating temperature, during production more of the raw material PrNd is incorporated as these elements have a naturally occurring resistance to high temperatures.
The Pull Force listed for each magnet is based on lifting 10mm thick steel from a horizontal surface. Magnets on a vertical surface (of 10mm thick steel) are generally able to hold around only 30% of the pull force listed in the product description. This is due to the effects of gravity and the lack of friction between the surface and the shiny magnet. Read More