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Ferrite Pot Magnet - 36mm x 7mm

Product code: 89019

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Ferrite Pot Magnet - 36mm x 7mm
Product Code 89019
Weight 37 gm
Style Ferrite Pot Magnet
Direction of Magnetisation Axially magnetised thru the 7mm
Ferrite Pot Magnet - 36mm x 7mm

Magnetic Product Description:

This ferrite pot magnet has a diameter of 36mm and a height of 7mm. It has a 9mm hole magnet bore and a 4.8mm pot bore. This ferrite magnet is identified by the AMF magnet part number 89019.

Uses for our ferrite pot magnets:

Training consultants often use magnetised work walls with our ferrite pot magnets with a hook threaded into the magnets centre to suspend training material from. Portable magnetised work walls are an upgrade of the original drawing board, and offer significant advantages over light projected material or digitally presented alternatives.

Modern training programs in today’s workplace are extensive to say the least. Modern training programs include subjects unheard of previously. Added to traditional curriculum like sales and marketing and financial analysis and business planning include human resources, online documentation and personal and professional development and executive development.

Subjects contain many subsets constituting a large volume of information requiring explanation to how it applies in a work place production chain. All this material needs to be delivered in a coherent and digestible manner to staff with different levels of expertise and language skills. While overhead projectors are useful the stilted delivery they engender bores people to tears. Digital power point presentations seem more designed to display the prowess of the trainer rather than encourage comprehension of the course materials.

Magnetised work walls and associated magnetic engagement, provide a more tactile and organic and spontaneous delivery of information. This method allows the delivery of information to proceed at a tempo more aligned to individual audiences.

Magnets thus laden can be simply slid across the magnetised surface, acting as a reminder for participants and a reference point for the trainers, while a new magnet secures the next course material in pride of place for further encumbrance with phrases or symbols.

Magnetic engagement in this way allows material to aggregate into an assembly everyone can witness. This gradual and informal accumulation of sometimes complex workplace protocols on one platform allows participants to interrupt proceedings to ask questions, confirm details in a way they may not with projected course materials or digitised presentations. Some people might find magnetised work walls and magnets old fashioned, but comprehension of workplace practices and expectations never goes out of style.

Our ferrite pot magnets have a mild steel casing over a ferrite ring magnet with a round central hole for fixing a bolt, rivet or screw, for attaching to non-magnetic surfaces. With no moving parts this ferrite pot magnet requires no maintenance beyond ensuring the magnet is clean before use.

ModelNo. D d1

Magnet Bore

Pot Bore H Pull force Weight (g)
89016 40   8.6mm M5 thread 8 7 kg 0.0950
89017 25   C/sunk 4.8 8   0.0170
89018 32   C/sunk 5.8 7   0.0280
89019 36   9mm hole 4.8 7   0.0370
89020 55   22mm 4.6 11 12 kg 0.0600
89030 88   32mm 13.6 18 30 kg 0.0700
89031 90 18 C/sunk 10 12 30 kg 0.0700

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NB: Ranges are indicative for product category, please check individual products for specific values within that range.

Ferrite Pot Magnet - 36mm x 7mm

Magnetic Product Description:

This ferrite pot magnet has a diameter of 36mm and a height of 7mm. It has a 9mm hole magnet bore and a 4.8mm pot bore. This ferrite magnet is identified by the AMF magnet part number 89019.

Uses for our ferrite pot magnets:

Training consultants often use magnetised work walls with our ferrite pot magnets with a hook threaded into the magnets centre to suspend training material from. Portable magnetised work walls are an upgrade of the original drawing board, and offer significant advantages over light projected material or digitally presented alternatives.

Modern training programs in today’s workplace are extensive to say the least. Modern training programs include subjects unheard of previously. Added to traditional curriculum like sales and marketing and financial analysis and business planning include human resources, online documentation and personal and professional development and executive development.

Subjects contain many subsets constituting a large volume of information requiring explanation to how it applies in a work place production chain. All this material needs to be delivered in a coherent and digestible manner to staff with different levels of expertise and language skills. While overhead projectors are useful the stilted delivery they engender bores people to tears. Digital power point presentations seem more designed to display the prowess of the trainer rather than encourage comprehension of the course materials.

Magnetised work walls and associated magnetic engagement, provide a more tactile and organic and spontaneous delivery of information. This method allows the delivery of information to proceed at a tempo more aligned to individual audiences.

Magnets thus laden can be simply slid across the magnetised surface, acting as a reminder for participants and a reference point for the trainers, while a new magnet secures the next course material in pride of place for further encumbrance with phrases or symbols.

Magnetic engagement in this way allows material to aggregate into an assembly everyone can witness. This gradual and informal accumulation of sometimes complex workplace protocols on one platform allows participants to interrupt proceedings to ask questions, confirm details in a way they may not with projected course materials or digitised presentations. Some people might find magnetised work walls and magnets old fashioned, but comprehension of workplace practices and expectations never goes out of style.

Our ferrite pot magnets have a mild steel casing over a ferrite ring magnet with a round central hole for fixing a bolt, rivet or screw, for attaching to non-magnetic surfaces. With no moving parts this ferrite pot magnet requires no maintenance beyond ensuring the magnet is clean before use.

ModelNo. D d1

Magnet Bore

Pot Bore H Pull force Weight (g)
89016 40   8.6mm M5 thread 8 7 kg 0.0950
89017 25   C/sunk 4.8 8   0.0170
89018 32   C/sunk 5.8 7   0.0280
89019 36   9mm hole 4.8 7   0.0370
89020 55   22mm 4.6 11 12 kg 0.0600
89030 88   32mm 13.6 18 30 kg 0.0700
89031 90 18 C/sunk 10 12 30 kg 0.0700

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NB: Ranges are indicative for product category, please check individual products for specific values within that range.